The Calm and Connected Classroom: Adverse Childhood Experiences and The Social Neuroscience of Learning*
This popular and essential training is the cornerstone of the Toolbox for Teachers series. The Calm and Connected Classroom introduces teachers to the behind-the-scenes world of students and the emotional and biological effects of trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on the developing brain. In this module, teachers learn techniques to manage stress in the classroom through mindfulness and social-emotional activities such as Social-Emotional Wheels, Finger-Breathing, Take 4 Before, and the 1-Minute Calm Down Challenge. Teachers also reconnect to their legacies as teachers, and learn best practices for incorporating social-emotional check-ins to create calm, and connected classrooms experiences for everyone. Duration is around two and a half hours.
Further Along the Road of the Calm and Connected Classroom*
This workshop follows up on material from The Calm and Connected Classroom while also delving into the topic of how attachment theory shapes classroom interactions. During this training, teachers practice social-emotional competencies such as reflective and empathetic listening, effective feedback and effective requests, de-escalation, and whole-brain communication. Teachers will also take a look at specific classroom techniques designed to help at-risk students deal with difficult emotions and make a plan to incorporate them in their classroom. Duration is around 3 hours.
Trauma-Informed Classrooms for Immigrant Students
During this session, participants familiarize themselves with the unique types of trauma that immigrant students face in their journeys to the US and the ongoing trauma of deportation. Participants use their knowledge of ACEs and the neurobiology of stress to assess the impact these experiences may have on immigrant students and their families. Participants also consider the unique social-emotional demands that English language learners face and use this knowledge to create a safe space for learners. Duration is around two and a half hours.