Thank you for the helpful positive strategies to start off my year. No suggestions – just praise.
K-6 Teacher, School District of Philadelphia
I learned to see students as human beings first, then students.
5th Grade Teacher, New Jersey
One of the most important professional developments that a teacher can have.
K-6 Teacher, School District of Philadelphia
This was, by far, the most helpful experience I have had in my teacher preparation program.
Graduate Student, Temple University
Thank you for a delightful, peaceful and mindful presentation today. I found the mindfulness techniques simple and that can provide a quick solution for my adolescent students as they are in an extremely plugged, dynamic and socially challenging phase. Thank you for the tools to help dissipate the trauma tremors for me and my students.
High School Science Teacher, Philadelphia
This presentation was absolutely wonderful! I am a special education teacher and the topics and strategies are what every teacher needs in order to have a connected classroom! Thank you for a great learning experience.
Special Education Teacher, Philadelphia
Joanna is a current counselor and former SDP teacher who has spoken to our SDP teachers at Induction this year and will be coming back to teach in the SDP Summer Institute. Her program, Toolbox for Teachers, is quite impressive. I can attest to Joanna’s talent, we are lucky to have her working with our teachers and counselors.
Director of Professional Development (2014/2015), School District of Philadelphia
Joanna’s experience teaching public school children adds a solid foundation to the presentation. The material was outstanding and the presenter was enthusiastic, a good listener and well-organized.
Alpha Delta Gamma member (Honorary Sorority for Female Educators)
The presenter was very educated in the area of discussion and kept my attention THE ENTIRE TIME, something that rarely happens in our PD’s!
Emotional Support Teacher, Havertown
I liked that these were activities that could be used in a classroom setting immediately. I appreciated the fact that Joanna was aware of the participants’ time, feelings and learning experience and also thought the SEL/Check In wheel was a great activity for my students.
Learning Support Teacher, Grades 5-8, Philadelphia
I loved the information on the biological effects [of stress] and trying out the strategies. I can use the non-verbal strategies for my students who have autism.
K-12 Autistic Support Teacher, Beverly City, New Jersey
The best PD I have ever had.
K-6 Teacher, Philadelphia
GREAT job! I can’t wait to go home and check out the resources! I know my kids will enjoy this!
4th Grade Teacher, School District of Philadelphia
Thank you for a fantastic training on mindfulness in the school setting! It was valuable, relevant and much needed. I liked how the training was an exercise in self care. The training was tailored for school staff and sensitive to our needs, which was very helpful. I appreciated that we were given strategies to ground and reset between classes and on short breaks. As a counselor, I definitely met my goal of walking away with some new ideas of deescalating students and helping them with emotional regulation. Also, I left feeling great!
Middle School Counselor, Philadelphia
The material was very interesting and touched upon many important issues. I liked that Joanna was cognizant of the fact that the group could just go off on a very different tangent but she kept us on task. I rated the Toolbox for Teachers training a 5/5.
Retired Teacher
Essential AND Interesting.
K-8 Teacher
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